Thursday, January 05, 2006
Blogging Anniversary
Today marks the 4th anniversary for this blog. I'm still enjoying the "blogging experience" and am especially thankful for the opportunities it presents to interact with a very dynamic community of practice.
Lately my attention has returned to media--especially video--for the web. This "vlog entry" contain my thoughts on the "biggest challenge" for online video producers. Thanks again to the good folks at for hosting the videos.
The videos are in QuickTime format and running times for the videos are 26 and 13 seconds respectively:
What's the biggest issue facing a prospective audio-, screen-, video-, or web-caster of multimedia for the web?
ok, so what do we do about it?
I used the Embedded Media HTML Generator to build the code to embed, and "objectify", these *.mov files.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Surfing Controversy
In the latest instance I can provide a link to a QuickTime file I produced by melding an AVI video file that I produced with my Pentax Optio S41 camera, a still picture with same, and a WAV file I captured with Windows Sound Recorder and the built-in microphone on my Dell laptop. Once again, thanks to for hosting the video.
I'd liked to have included a link to the Times-Colonist article mentioned in my latest "movie", but the T-C only offers 7 days for their free archive.
Some newspapers need to wake up to the fact that access -- in the way of a link from this post as an example -- is the key to them remaining relevant. The relevance, of course, is about being accessible from the 'net and less to do with this blog ;-)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Media on the web
As I've said elsewhere, the biggest issue that I see in all of this is the logistical and technical. It really is comparatively easy to produce media for the web. The issue then becomes, "what do I do with the media that I've produced?"
When considering this question one is well advised to consider all (or as many as you can think of...) the issues associated with posting media to the 'net. Of course one's primary consideration needs to be one's audience. What type of file format(s) do you intend to offer your audience? What type(s) of connections to the 'net do they have? Apart from considerations of your audience's ability to access your content, the next thing you'll need to consider is where on the 'net you'll post your content.
How much disk space do you have at this location? What will you do once you've filled this space? What contingencies do you have in terms of backups and alternative venues in the event that this space/service "goes away?"
As you might be able to tell from this partial list, there are a number of issues associated with producing and posting media to the 'net. This becomes particularly true when one considers issues of persistence and the media itself. As always watch this space for developments.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Cross Posting
At the risk of contravening "netiquette," this is an example of "cross-posting" due to the fact that it has also appeared in my space at
I've taken the liberty because of what I deem to be the importance of the message, and as a "hedge" in the interest of my audience until I decide what to do in terms of online posting and my growing number of web spaces.
I've been blogging for a while and my interest has recently returned to 'casting. Specifically what the individual 'caster can do. It's quickly becoming apparent that disc space and persistence of one's artifacts are two key issues for those starting out with 'casts -- be they pod, screen, video or web. The good news is we have Dave and Jeff (aka Marathon Man) to thank as exemplars for those of us who might aspire to follow in their steps.
I have to say that it was a blast to be able to check in on the goings-on at the World Bridges webcastathon. It was an inspiration to be able to connect -- even if I was only listening, and making the occasional post in the chat interface -- with people around the world.
I think that technology provides the means for "real people" the world over who can see the sense in making connections and reaching out to others to make the best of opportunities and situations as they present.
It's scary to me that govenrnments have decided that "all bets are off" in terms of civil liberties and rule of law. My hope is that the 'net provides a way for the people to have a say in how things work themselves out.