
Wednesday, September 24, 2003

A post from Arlington, VA.

Today's session was a lot of fun. It was great to work with a group of technically proficient educators looking for ways to integrate SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboards into the curriculum. It was a great day and thanks to all for the hospitality.

This evening I took a couple of pictures of the The Marine Corps War Memorial which is just down the street from my hotel. The monument is probably one of the world's most famous statues.

Notwithstanding the frequent differences I have with US foreign policy (see the "weapons of mass destruction" fiasco), I believe that it is important that servicemen and women who have given their lives in service of their country be recognized and respected for the price they've paid, and continue to pay, no matter what one feels about the decision to send them into harm's way.

Picture of the US Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, VA

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

A post from Stafford, VA.

I'm here ahead of tomorrow's session for educators at a juvenile detention center in the area. I'm really looking forward to working with faculty and staff at the center and am especially keen to compare notes on their experiences working with "at risk" youth.

I have experience -- "in a galaxy far far away, a long time ago" -- working with "behaviorally exceptional" youth and I'm really excited by the prospect of relating what I know about "reaching out" to special needs populations and how the SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboard might be used to engage what can be very challenging audiences.

I'm very interested in hearing the thoughts of faculty and staff regarding the transformational power of curriculum they deliver to their students, and how we can work together to integrate the SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboard into the mix.

I'm happy to report that my hotel and the site of tomorrow's session are with power and have managed to "weather the storm" Isabel brought to the area. I've just seen on the local news that many in the area are still without power.

I'm sure that crews are doing all they can to restore power, but I'm also sure that those without have had enough of "lights out." Here's hoping that all subscribers have power returned soon.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Quick note from Greenville, SC.

Today I had the opportunity to work some educators who are new to the SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboard. I enjoyed working with faculty and staff of the Hollis Academy. It really is something to see how excited our customers are as they begin to wrap their minds around the possibilities interactive whiteboards present in terms of "reaching out" to students.

Tomorrow I'm off to Stafford, VA ahead of a a Master's session on Wednesday. I'm a little hesitant about what I'll find in the way of destruction in Isabel's wake, but am hoping for the best. Stay tuned....