
Friday, October 03, 2003

Quick post from a training session I'm attending at the Calgary offices of Apple Computers. A colleague from SMART and myself are here educating ourselves about Macintosh 10.2 operating system. Jeff and I now travel the continent delivering Windows-based training.

Following today's session we'll be in a better position to deliver training sessions for Mac-based customers. I've been impressed with what I've seen during today's session and look forward to becoming more conversant with the Mac OS and what's possible.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Another post from Calgary. It's taking a little getting used to -- being in town for an extended period of time. I'll definitely be making up for time at home in the next couple of months.

A week Saturday (the 11th) I leave for the first of series of trips which will keep me on the road through the end of the year. Some of the travel I have planned is personal (my trip to Lake Louise to work the World Cup ski races) but the bulk of time away is work-related.

Indeed, a rather hectic travel schedule for work for the past year and three-quarters, means it now feels strange to be home for more than a few days at a time.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Been back in town for a couple of days and looking forward to being around for a couple of weeks which has been a rarity of late. Work and school are keeping me busy and it'll be nice to be able concentrate on both without having to see an airport or hotel room for a few days. I really do enjoy all the travel I do for work; however, it can be a little hectic and tiring at times.

I'm really excited by what I'm learning in my Curriculum Foundations at OISE/UT. It's been interesting for me to discover the theoretical concepts behind what I've considered "accepted practice" in the field of instructional design.

While I think it's true that CTL 1000 might be best taken early in one's M.Ed. courseload, it's of obvious value no matter where it falls in one's list of courses (it represents course #6 of 8 required in my case). I'm especially interested in applying these theoretical principles to the design of materials we use at SMART.

As always, watch this space for updates.