
Thursday, January 23, 2014

(re)enforcing independence #rhizo14

How do we become more independent as educators, and engender independence on the part of our learners?

The environment in which we operate will obviously have a significant impact on how motivated we may be to exercise, and reap the benefits of, our independence.
As I was considering the topic of "enforced independence" it became apparent that conditions must be conducive to the independence of actors on a particular stage, or all the enforcement in the world will not do anything to make me independent. Without strategies, or a plan of attack, I'll not be able to be an independent actor in a particular environment. Challenging ourselves and moving outside comfort zones leverages independent learning strategies and helps us empathise with the issues faced by independent learners.

If you can teach yourself to do something by leveraging information and your networks, you'll be more able to expect this from your learners, and, more or, importantly better understand the challenges they'll face in their quest to exercise independence.

In the spirit of "moving outside comfort zones"/"expanding one's horizons" I've decided to take advantage of the 3rd birthday celebrations for #ds106radio to see if I can teach myself to webcast from my phone. Many of you will be familiar with, or indeed a part of, the community that's developed and evolved around #ds106 and #ds106radio is dynamic and vibrant. All are welcome to participate, and those who'd like to take the stream need only tweet with the #ds106radio tag to signify intention and 'cast away.

Today I had a chance to review the connection and broadcasting details, linked from a tweet by @cogdog (Alan Levine), for Android. I've done a fair bit of computer-based webcasting over the years, and I'm hoping to get well outside my comfort zone and contribute birthday wishes, and celebrate #ds106radio, from my phone. Wish me luck ;-)  

UPDATE: It worked! Thanks for shoutouts Alan Levine and Leslie Lindballe

Turned out to be a very busy day online. In addition to my first mobile webcast (aka #traincast) on #ds106radio to send along my birthday wishes, this day included:

  1. Online meetings with work colleagues for a project status update and a software installation walk-through
  2. Poked my head into a Designers for Learning session hosted by Jennifer Maddrell
  3. Participated in the Unhangout for #rhizo14 and take part in the breakout session for "Independence in Everyday Life" breakout group with Aaron, Carol, Jim and Vanessa
All of this served to (re)enforce my belief in the fact that independence, and exploring and taking advantages to connect, is key to one's success in online environments

Monday, January 20, 2014

More on cheating as learning #rhizo14

I mentioned the other day that I've been pondering how the notion of "cheating as learning" may apply to business and recreational pursuits. And while I'm still not entirely sure how the notion relates to each environment, I'm hoping you'll bear with me as I attempt to "talk it out" in this space (and please do comment/cajole/deride as you see fit ;-)

Following on Peter's post on "breaking away" from the rules, rather than contravening a particular rule itself, I think there's benefit in an exploring rules, or current standard operating procedures, with an eye to improving performance, increasing safety, or working toward whatever a particular desired outcome may be. Too often we fall into the trap of "we've always done it that way" without critical assessment of how me might do a better job of leveraging available resources to perform a task, or ensure an outcome.

In our breakout discussion during the unhangout, Jim Stauffer mentioned that we'd do well to focus on goals, rather than rules, and that it can't be considered cheating if one is focusing on, and working toward, a particular goal. If rules preclude me from attaining my goals, do I have an option other than "cheating" to attain my goal?

In the business world, instructional designers and training developers develop documents called "cheatsheets" which are used as performance improvement tools and provide "just in time" quick reference for those charged with completing a task, or operating a software application. In this instance, the "cheating" being done amounts to referring to a one-page document, rather than having to locate a reference to the specific procedure or task in an owner's or operator's manual. Keyboard shortcuts and data entry codes are also referred to as "cheats" in some software applications. 

Workarounds (a circumvention of the way you're supposed to do something might also be referred to as a "cheat") are a big part of getting stuff done in business environments--especially those with a variety of software applications, operating systems, and connection speeds. One size most definitely does not fit all, and accommodations have to be made, for differences in technical acumen, connection speeds and operating systems. 

In the recreational world (and particularly ski resorts) "cheating" can take a number of forms. For instance in the past couple of weeks, skiers have "cheated" the boundary of the ski area in search of untracked power snow and have found themselves stranded and in need of rescue by Park Wardens slung under helicopters. I'm not sure what's been learned by those requiring rescue. Maybe they learned that the pursuit of fresh tracks in powder snow isn't worth risking your life (or endangering those charged with effecting your rescue)--one can only hope.

In an attempt to bring this stream of consciousness to a close I'd say that I "cheating" as an accepted practice provided it serves larger or ultimate goals, is in keeping with the spirit of how one sees one's role in an organization, and doesn't impune the interests, or safety, of others.