
Friday, April 22, 2005

I've been doing some work on my website, Specifically, I've installed Drupal as a CMS content management system for my site.

It's been a little over 24 hrs since I've installed and begun to use Drupal and I have to say I'm very impressed. I'm especially excited by the scalability Drupal promises -- visit the link above for more information and to chart progress.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Vint Cerf on Internet trouble spots

Here's blog entry by Ron Farber I happened across while looking for reviews of open source CMS (content management systems). Given my recent experience, I thought it pertinent.NOTE: The text below is compliments of a "blog this" option for bloggers of Farber's post. This is the first time I've seen this type of option for a blog. I would expect that it's increased trackbacks since it was added to the blog.

Vint Cerf on Internet trouble spots by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- Good reading: Phil Windley has written up and photographed a recent talk given by Vint Cerf on challenges facing the Internet and computer science. Cerf should know as he is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet,. He also currently serves as chairman of the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned [...]

Internet Fraud on E-Bay

This morning, while combing through my daily alottment of spam in my mail box, I happened across a notice that my account at eBay had been suspended due to a problem with my account. Essentially some #$%& who is pretending to be me has been up to no good and hence the account has been suspended.

For the record, I've never used the account and only registered for one, nearly a year ago now, because my buddy Phil and I were looking for NHL playoff tickets.

What I want to know is, how exactly was my account was compromised? The e-mail I received asks me to visit a link and input a number and supply all kinds of personal information. Furthermore, I can't see anywhere to input the "Fraud Alert ID code" they provided in the e-mail advising of the problems with my account.

Let's say that given my experience with a compromised account, I'll not be supplying eBay with any more information than I already have. I recognize that they're probably doing all they can to ensure the integrity of their system, but it will be without any more input from this former customer.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Blog Matrix

Thanks again to Stephen Downes and his good works at Stephen's Web, I learned today about BlogMatrix and have started my own space a BlogMatrix.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Brett Research group webcast

I'm "multitasking" and making a post while participating in a Brett Research group webcast from OISE/UT via Breeze from Macromedia. Current discussion is about blogs and their place as tools for reflection and caching resources.

Is Constructivism Enough?

Here's link to this semester's term paper for CTL 1608.

I had hoped to use SMART Ideas software to make a concept map of contents of this paper, but have been doing some work with the software developers at SMART and am currently unable to produce HTML versions of models I've made.

As always, watch this spot for updates....


originally uploaded by dougsymington.
A picture from atop the Continental Divide at Sunshine Village near Banff, AB

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Reflection and Learning

Finally back with a post.

I've been working on my term paper for CTL 1608 and happened across a link (again thanks to Stephen Downes) that's very pertient to my considerations of "constructivism" and learning in online environments.

Specifically, Dave Tosh refers to a graphic from an excellent article by Helen Barrett Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement. Barrett's graphic referenced at Dave's blog post shows the relationship between motivation and control when it comes to electronic portfolios.