
Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Call for World Cup Winterstart Volunteers

Speaking o' the Lake. Today I had an email from the Chief of Course for the men's races. Mike Kirker needs volunteers.

The work is very demanding physically and involves long hours. Getting a course into shape in the mountains in late fall/early winter is a "non-trivial task," to quote my programmer friends....

Last year we were nearly literally "snowed under" during the women's races. Other years it's been necessary to make and move tonnes of snow. At 8000 ft in late November, it'll be cold no matter how much snow's on the ground. It's a challenging environment and being part of a group "bringing it all together" each year is a great feeling.

Here's a link from the worldcupwinterstart site with some information on what we do.

If you're a strong skier, looking to pitch-in on a physically demanding task and can commit 5 to 7 days, or more, of your time in November/December, visit the Volunteer Registration page to complete an application.

Lake Louise Ram

Here's a picture I took along Upper Wiwaxy, just above Coaches Corner -- half-way down the World Cup Downhill course at Lake Louise -- on the weekend.

The Timing and Communications crew was out to do some cable work ahead of this year's races.

A picture of a ram at Lake Louise

Special thanks to Coop for egging my large friend on (he was behind me waving the proverbial red flag in front of the ram, if you will) while I was taking this picture.