
Thursday, February 27, 2003

I've got my "snow safety" equipment and am making the final preparations for the trip to Fernie.

Co-workers were laughing at me when I told them that I was picking up a transceiver et al. As they noted, "unless someone you're with also has a transceiver, it's not going to do you much good." While this is true, I'll still be wearing one that is "transmitting" while out this weekend.

I know that I'll feel better knowing that I have the equipment I need to be found, or to look for others, if the unthinkable happens.

I rented a "snow safety package" -- transceiver, probe and shovel from MEC -- got the package for ~$30.00 (with $300.00 deposit) for the weekend. Not a very expensive "insurance policy" the way I look at it.

Watch this space for pics from the weekend's adventure. Not sure if I'll have 'net access from the Griz Inn, but I'll definitely post some pics early next week at the latest.

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