
Monday, November 07, 2005

Blogs in Schools 2.0

Check out Scholar Podcasts. Now this is some powerful stuff.

I arrived at the link thanks to D'Arcy Norman, a member of the Canadian edTech blogigentsia.

The thing is, I didn't find the link on D'Arcy's blog, but rather in a comment on Barbara Ganley's.

It's really exciting to see what's taking place on the web in terms of media and connections. I'll make a post to samlab with more about the latter.

  • Dave and Jeff -- the "movers and shakers" at World Bridges -- need to get him hooked up for one of their 'casts

  • I see on D'Arcy's blog (just now, when I went there to get the URL for this post) that he's going to try to make it to Thursday's EdTech brainstorming session, so there you go....

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