
Sunday, October 13, 2002

On Friday night I was unable to get the dialup connection to work in my hotel in Detroit.

Ironic given my "16.8 dialup connection, no less!" comment from Sturgis earlier in the day. It wasn't the fastest, but at least it was a connection.

The Airport Marriott had highspeed and such, but I couldn't get my dialup connection to work. Might have tried harder if I was staying more than eight hours. Landed in around 20:00 hrs on Friday night and a 0630 hrs flight on Sat morning -- meant a 0400 hrs wakeup call, so I wasn't as motivated as I might have been.

Things I learned on my trip to Sturgis:

  • Chicago is closer to Sturgis than is Detroit
  • Traffic on the freeways in Michigan, while as heavy as that in southern Ontario, moves at a much faster rate
  • If my experience in Michigan on Friday (a mix of cars and semis in very close proximity at 70+ MPH) is any indication, more incidents like the crash in Wisconsin are inevitable

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