Yesterday I participated in three "synchronous chats" with:
- the moderator at a webcast by the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI)
- Afra at the help desk of the ASTD
- Colleagues in OISE/UT course CTL1602
I asked the moderator at KMDI for links referenced by Dr. Gregory Abowd during his lecture -- If a classroom could listen, would anyone care? Experiences with eClass -- of course he provided them himself at the end of his lecture. The moderator, to her credit -- acknowledged my initial inquiry and then confirmed that I'd gotten the URLs from Dr. Abowd's slide.
Afra helped me get into the "Members Only" section of the ASTD's site. Afra was great -- very efficient and helpful. Another neat feature of this chat was that an e-mail containing the chat's transcript was in my e-mail inbox minutes after the chat's conclusion.
I joined classmates in a discussion regarding how best to apply chat for educational purposes -- with an eye to continuing to do just that over the remainder of the term. Being a member of an academic knowledge building community using technology to learn how to educate with technology, is exciting and powerful stuff.
As I said in a post to a course conference for CTL1602:
The power of electronic/ICT/online learning for me comes from the epiphanies along the way.
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