
Tuesday, October 22, 2002

30000 ft on the way to Nashville, I hope. The pilot told us before takeoff that we may be diverted to Louisville due to fog in Nashville. We heard that the weather was improving just as we left Denver -- I hope so. My drive is two hours south of Nashville as it is. Louisville will add a number of hours to the journey. Tomorrow's SMART Board(TM) interactive whiteboard Master's session at Arnold Air Force Base marks the first of six sessions in the next nine days.

I'm writing again from my favourite jet -- the Canadair Regional Jet from Bombardier. The good news is that I was able to secure an exit row aisle seat (8B). I'm really not looking forward to experiencing a non-exit/bulkhead seat on one of these babies; but, given the 80 to 100% travel I'm doing these days I'll no doubt have the pleasure at some point.

On the academic front, I'm happy to report that I was able (yesterday) to register for a Spring semester course at OISE/UT. I visited the Repository of Student Information (ROSI) and managed to enroll in CTL 1600 Implementing Dynamic Web Interaction for Education with Dr. Robert McLean.

When I met with Dr. McLean a couple of weeks back he told me that this is the first time this course has been offered online and he's not sure exactly how it'll turn out. The course itself involves common gateway interface (CGI) programming and producing "front ends" for collection of data from users and should prove to be very technically challenging. This will prove especially so if my travel schedule continues at its current pace.

As always, watch this space for updates.

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