
Saturday, December 22, 2007

post from "wireless device"

I've posted from a cell phone to this space in the past; however, this one is courtesy of RIM and Google.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Thanks to the ESQCrew07

Thanks to the crew from Esquimalt for the tour of BEBO today, and for getting my space tuned-up a bit. Big thank you as well to our hosts at the Songhees Employment and Learning Centre.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Five Years and Counting

Hard to believe, but today marks my fifth anniversary as a blogger. Jan 5, 2002 marked the beginning of my time as a blogger, and it's hard to believe that it's been that long. Of course there have been a lot of developments in and on the 'net in the time that I've been contributing to this space, and I fully expect many more in 2007.

I don't contribute to this space as much as I once did, but may come back to it in this coming year as Google adds more functionality and integration with their other tools. As always, watch this space for details, or check out "the latest" at